

Donations and sponsorship are vital to our ability to achieve our goals of helping people living with kidney disease.
Help in this regard is greatly appreciated. These can be sent to:

KwaZulu Natal Kidney Association,
P 0 Box 1332,
Durban 4000.

Please include person's or company's name and address, telephone, fax and e-mail addresses.

Donations can also be made directly into the Association's bank account which is:

Name: Natal Kidney Association
Bank Name: Standard Bank, Florida Road
Branch code: 042726
Account No.: 051 331 004

Please post proof of payment and your details to:
P 0 Box 1332, Durban 4000.

Thank-you to everyone for all your efforts.


incorporated association not for gain registration no: 1977/002650/08 Website powered by logo Kwa Zulu Natal Kidney Association,
P.O.Box 1332, Durban, 4000, ajfa@iafrica.com