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The David Hepburn Study Award for 2006



The occasion was the formal presentation of the David Hepburn Study Award for 2006 to Ms Kareshma Asharam, a research scientist at the Nelson Mandela Medical School in Durban. . The presentation was made by Mrs Enid Hepburn
on behalf of the KZN Kidney Association. The award consits of a cheque for R15000 (Fifteen thousand rand) which goes towards the costs of an important research project being undertaken at the Medical School by Ms Asharam, who was ajudged the winner among four top applicants from throughout South Africa.



The Award arose from the extremely generous donations received by the KZN Kidney Association in memory of David Hepburn who died of kidney failure in 1984. The decision was then taken to invest that money, in trust, and use the income to finance the award. Since that date the KZN Kidney Association has sent out an invitation each year, reading as follows:

  1. The KwaZulu Natal Kidney Association invites applications for the David Hepburn Study Award from suitably qualified
    medical, nursing and paramedical personnel registered in South Africa. The award is for R15000.
  2. Applications will be considered by a national committee.
  3. It is intended to sponsor a suitable person for a study or research project in the field of kidney disease. The value of the project to the institution that the applicant will serve, will be taken into consideration.
  4. However if, in the opinion of the national committee, none of the projects is considered completely suitable, the award may be held over until the following year.
  5. It is desirable that the successful applicant should have been accepted for his/her research or study project by an appropriate research institute, university department or recognised renal unit, either in South Africa or overseas. In addition, if the successful candidate goes overseas, he/she must undertake to return to South Africa for a minimum of three years on completion of the project.
  6. Preference will be given to candidates under 50 years of age.
L to R. Prof. Rajendra Bhimma who is one of Kareshma's supervisors for this project; Prof. M. Adhikari, Head of Department and also a supervisor for this project; Ms. Kareshma Asharam BMedSc; Mrs Enid Hepburn - widow of the late David Hepburn; Alan Ross - chairman KZNKA.

Kareshma Asharam receiving the cheque of R15000 for the David Hepburn Study Award, from Mrs Enid Hepburn.
incorporated association not for gain registration no: 1977/002650/08 Website powered by logo Kwa Zulu Natal Kidney Association,
P.O.Box 1332, Durban, 4000, ajfa@iafrica.com